We launched our online maths tutoring service in April 2020 when the UK went into lockdown and we could no longer provide face to face tutoring for our students. Due to the huge success of this launch and the positive feedback we have received from both our students and parents we have decided to continue to offer this service.
This allows us to offer maths tutoring to students anywhere in the world at anytime in the comfort of their own homes!
Appropriate technology is the key to successful online tutoring sessions.
Our online tutoring lessons are carried out using a combination of the Zoom platform and an interactive online whiteboard system. Our tutors are equipped with a webcam, microphone and graphics tablet which allows both the student and tutor to fully interact with one another in real time as if they were face to face. Students can see and hear the tutor, but most importantly, they can see any questions and diagrams the tutor writes and draws and any calculations the tutor carries out on screen.
Our online tutoring sessions are best accessed using a laptop or tablet, however a smartphone can be used.
Watch the video to see why our online maths tutoring lessons are a cut above the rest.